ISSN: 2782-893X
eISSN: 2799-0664
The study delved into evaluating the Organizational Citizenship Behavior and
Workplace Spirituality of the 53 College Instructors of Eastern Visayas State University Ormoc
City. The findings showed the college instructors of Eastern Visayas State University have good
Organizational Citizenship Behaviours according to its grand mean of 2.12. A growing body of
research into Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) suggests that employees demonstrate
greater role performance when they experience a strong connection to their organisation, have a
sense of ownership over to its continued success, are loyal to their role and work colleagues and,
have found a sense of meaning and purpose in their daily work. Attitude is populated to be the
first antecedent of behavioural intention. It is an individual’s positive or negative belief about
performing a specific behaviour. These beliefs are called behavioural beliefs. An individual will
intend to perform certain behaviour when he or she evaluates it positively. Attitudes are determined
by the individual’s beliefs about the consequences of performing the behaviour (behavioural
beliefs), weighted by his or her evaluation of those consequences (outcome evaluations).
The level of workplace spirituality has seven (7) indicators, namely: organization, spirituality,
people, service, organization self-awareness, wisdom, and leadership. To this, the grand mean is
2.75. The data goes to show that the workplace spirituality of the college instructors is high.
Interest in workplace spirituality has spurred curiosity beyond the capacity of scholars to keep pace
either theoretically or methodologically.
The organizational citizenship behaviour of the college instructors is predominantly shared among
its college instructors due to its functioning structure that made them aware since they came in.
The OCB is ultimately shared that defines the values of the organization. The workplace
spirituality comes from the belief of the people in the school that they become workplace oriented
with their issues, concerns and contribution as they spent meaningful years of work and