ISSN: 2782- 893X
eISSN: 2799-0664

Learning Competence of Junior High School Students in Spiral Curriculum in Chemistry in the New Normal

IJAMS Publisher


Alvin Landingin Saplan


The study determined the Learning Competence of Junior High School Students in Chemistry at Benigno V. Aldana National High School in the municipality of Pozorrubio, Pangasinan. The main gathering instrument used by the researcher in this study is the twenty-five (25) items multiple-choice performance test per grade level in Chemistry. The researcher in each grade level prepared a table of specifications to ensure the equity in the distribution of items on the different topics of Chemistry. A survey questionnaire determined the respondents’ profile and attitudes towards learning Chemistry.
The study revealed that there are no relationships between the levels of learning competencies of the respondent-junior high school students and the profile variables such as age, grade level, sex, monthly family income of parents and attitude towards learning chemistry except with the variables Highest Educational Attainment for both fathers and mothers in grade 7 and grade 8; occupation of mothers in grade 8; and Monthly Family Income of Grade 10 students. The null hypothesis which states that there are no significant mean differences in the level of learning competence of the Junior high school students in Chemistry across the profile variables is accepted. This means that the profile variables do not differentiate the levels of learning competences of JHS Students.