ISSN: 2782-893X
eISSN: 2799-0664
The study aimed to determine the significant relationship between school heads’ instructional management practices and leadership self-efficacy in the implementation of modular distance learning modality. Utilizing the descriptive-correlational research design for an in-depth analysis of the study, the researcher utilized the Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale (PIMRS) and School Leaders’ Self-Efficacy Scale (SLSES) to 30 teachers and 2 school heads. Weighted mean and Person Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (Pearson r) were the statistical tools used. The researcher found out that school heads have a good extent of instructional management practices in implementing modular distance learning modality in defining school mission, managing instructional programs, and promoting a positive learning environment as rated by their respective teachers. Likewise, it was found out that the school heads believe that their leadership self-efficacy is high. Moreover, the study revealed that there is a significant relationship between the extent of instructional management practices in defining schools’ mission, managing instructional programs and promoting a positive learning environment and leadership self-efficacy of school heads in the implementation of modular distance learning modality. As school heads engage themselves in tasks impacting school improvement, they will feel effective in their responsibilities, decisions and actions. As school heads continue to study instructional management practices and leadership self-efficacy and strengthen their practices through professional learning, their management will develop. School improvement will be the outcome.