ISSN: 2782-893X
eISSN: 2799-0664
— The study sought the profile of ALS learners in Cervantes District in terms of their age, sex, civil status, employment, educational attainment of father and mother; their level of performance and the significant difference before and after the two modalities; and the significant relationship between the profile and the level of performance of learners in both modalities. The Two-Group Pretest-Posttest Design was utilized. The statistical tools used were freqency count and percentage, t-test and correlation analysis. From the findings, the researcher concluded that the learners needed more learning interventions; the two groups have equal performance after they were exposed to two different modalities of learning; from the modular modality, sex, age, and employment status affect performance of learners while from the radio-based modality, the profile has no significant relationship on the level of performance thus, there are maybe other factors affecting the level of performance aside from the profile of the learners; and both modalities are effective in improving the learning performance of ALS learners. The following are recommended: ALS implementers may use both modalities to help meet the needs of the learners; trainings conducted in the ALS should include module writing, radio-script writing and announcing; similar research should be conducted for the improvement of both modalities. Finally, there should be more research on the radio-based modality to improve its effectiveness and utilization in the community. Keywords — Radio-based modality, modular modality, Two-group Pretest Post Test Design, Alternative Learning System