ISSN: 2782-893X
eISSN: 2799-0664
—— The current study gives a brief and representative description of the role of Day Care or Childcare in the foundation of learner’s cognitive abilities as they enter Kindergarten in Umingan Central Elementary School during the School Year 2023-2024. As evident in our preelementary education system, day care is still voluntary. Thus, the researchers raised the problem of whether attending Day Care serves as a basis of cognitive development for kindergarten learners. The researchers differentiated daycare-attending kindergarten learners with those who did not with consideration to the potential variations in outcomes. Through quantitative method involving collection and evaluation of numerical data from the standardized tests administered on the subjects, findings showed that learners who attend day care have higher cognitive development scores on written, oral, and performance tests compared to those who do not attend. Consequently, attending daycare or childcare is significant for the cognitive development of kindergarten learners. Keywords — Childcare, Daycare, Kindergarten, Cognitive, Early Childhood, Head Start, Readiness