ISSN: 2782-893X
eISSN: 2799-0664
This study aimed to determine the relationship between the Modular Distance
Learning Delivery and Performance of Elementary School Teachers in Times of Pandemic. This
study used the Descriptive Correlational Survey method of research to determine the effects of
modular distance learning delivery on the performance of the Elementary School Teachers. The
results were the basis for an intervention Plan. The researcher utilized universal Sampling in
identifying the respondents of the study. The results in the test of relationship between the extent
of implementing the modular distance learning delivery and performance of teachers. On the area
of relationship among teachers with their performance to the extent of implementation of the
modular distance learning delivery, it was found out that the computed t value equal to 1.431 is
greater than the table value, which is equal to 0.112 and also higher compared to computed r value
equal to 0.71.
The result implied that the performance of teachers as they implement the different PPAs
of DepEd is very strong considering the results on the relationship of teachers performance in the
implementation of the modular distance learning delivery considering that the result is very high
which means that they went through successfully on the different indicators such as delivery of
instruction, learning and development, Learning assessment, health and safety protocols and
partnership towards their performances on content and pedagogy, learning environment and
diversity, curriculum and planning, reporting and assessment and plus factor, therefore, the
hypothesis which states that there is no significant relationship between the extent on the
implementation of the modular distance learning delivery and performance is rejected.