ISSN: 2782-893X
eISSN: 2799-0664
This study aimed to determine the relationship between the Parents’ Teaching
Guide (PTG) and the performance of the Special Education learners in Mathematics for SY 2021.
The findings of the study were the basis for a Proposed intervention Plan. The study utilized
Universal Sampling in identifying the respondents of the study. This study used the Descriptive
Correlational method of research to determine the effectiveness of the Parents’ Teaching Guide to
the performance of the selected Special Education Learners in Mathematics. The results were the
basis for an intervention Plan. The researcher utilized the universal Sampling in identifying the
respondents of the study. The test of relationship between the extent on the implementation of the
parent-teacher guide and performance of the special education learners particularly the learners
identified as intellectually disabled. The results show that the extent of the implementation of the
parent-teacher guide and performance of the special education learners has a computed r that has
an equivalent value of 0.82 and is considered lower than the computed t value of 2.862 table value
of 0.933.
Based on the results given, it implies that there is a high positive relationship between the
extent on the implementation of the parent-teacher guide and the performance of the special
education learners performance. Which means that when the learners receive learning materials
that underwent certain process of validation and quality assurance in every aspect of the materials
together with proper guidance and monitoring of teachers in coordination with parents there are
tendencies that the learners will excel and it could improve their skills or competencies which
means that there child/children will also give their best by providing excellent performances thus
produce good grades. Furthermore, when the child/children received proper guidance from their
parents on how to utilize the learning materials very well, the learners will also exert efforts
towards their performances in school even In this time of pandemic.