ISSN: 2782-893X
eISSN: 2799-0664
This study evaluated the Effectiveness of Technology-based Contextualized reading materials to the skills performance of the Grade 1 pupils in Maybog Elementary School, in Baybay City Division. The findings of the study were the bases for a Proposed Enhancement Plan. The study utilized the Quasi Experimental type of research Design to evaluate the effects of Effectiveness of Technology-based Contextualized reading materials to the skills performance of the Grade 1 pupils in Maybog Elementary School, in Baybay City Division. The researcher utilized Universal Sampling in identifying the respondents of the study. The Technology-based contextualized reading materials in delivering the different learning competencies in Filipino, it was found out to be more effective compared to the usual strategies used by the teacher-researcher specially after the evaluation of the skills of the learners by the teachers. It is very effective or the intervention is very effective because the hypothesis which states that there is no significant difference of the pretest and posttest performance before and after the integration of the technology-based contextualized reading materials is rejected, thus the identified intervention is effective. Considering that based from the results shown in table 1 with an average weighted mean which is based from the assessment conducted by the teacher-researcher implied that majority of the Grade 1 pupils which has a total of 12 number of respondents or Grade 1 learners are already having a Good performance maybe because some of the Grade 1 learners are already experiencing some strategies that really motivate them to learn with the help of their peers and parents or guardians considering also that some of the teachers for the past 6 months already given lessons which integrated technology as well as sharing lessons through face to face contact which means that the grade 1 learners are capable enough of learning some of the topics presented by the teacherresearcher in English. After the respondents received the intervention as shown in the table 2 with an average weighted mean which is based from the assessment conducted by the teacher the learners are more inspired and aspiring to be an excellent learner at the end of the grading period or even at the end of every grading period. The new strategy introduced by the teachers motivate them to be more optimistic in learning the topics even if they will be experiencing difficult times in learning the different learning competencies. As we all know, learners are really love to learn the topics if and only if they will be gaining topics through visual presentation or having moving objects while discussing the topics in the face-to-face bases. Another bases why the respondents really learning the different learning competencies is that they received also motivation to learn from their peers and parents or guardians through discussing the lessons having with the integration of technology as well as sharing lessons through face-to-face contact. The results further explains that they really love to learn the subject through giving of formal conduct of reading.